Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well we are trying our best at the Nugent home, to get ready for the celebration of our wonderful Savior's birth. This year, December has had it's share of challenges and even though I am not working outside the home, I am feeling the time crunch more this year than ever.

Morgan had her winter recital this past Saturday. She did great. I was so proud of her. She played two French traditional tunes as duets with her buddy Kyle Knepper. They worked hard on these pieces and they played better than any other time they had practiced. Playing duets can be tricky, especially when you both have to get your timing and notes right. They did fabulous!

Morgan played at a recital hall at my alma matter-Oakland U.

These are the piano players; Kyle Knepper, Julia Knepper, Jenna Knepper and Morgan.

Morgan had just about had it with being serious. She is turning into quite a goof ball at times.

Hey Mrs. Carol, don't you want us to play piano for you also? This would be Tornado Knepper and Storm Nugent

We had our family Christmas cookie making night.

The newest addition to our family in these pictures is Jenni. She is living with us for a while. She is a youth ministry intern at the church. The girls LOVEEEEE Jenni. Not sure what is going to happen when she moves out.

We had been a little behind with our Advent wreath. But we were able to spend some time reflecting on how we are to prepare ourselves for the celebration of Jesus.

Hope you are getting some time to enjoy this December!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys have been able to fit some fun family time in despite all of the busy-ness and unexpected events over the past few weeks. Cookie night looked fun- they look yummy! And good job to all of those young talented piano players! We have our advent out too (and fell a bit behind as well...glad we weren't the only ones). Most importantly, it appears you are taking time to reflect on the most important part of the season: Jesus! Love you all!