Last night was Morgan's debut in her 1st grade musical "The Elf Impersonator". This was a cute musical about a "different" elf Elfis(yes a play on Elvis). Morgan was elf #4 and had about 6 lines. She had been practicing on her recces time at school for about 4 weeks. It was a very fun night for us all. I did make my family go an hour early to get good seats. We were the first one's to arrive and had front row seats. I am glad we did, I don't think I would have seen much of Morgan otherwise. She was on the floor unless she was saying one of her lines. Morgan was just beaming and very proud of herself. The following blog post has a video of her play. Sorry about the quality. It was very dark in the auditorium, hence the red eye and dark video. I hope you enjoy the post. Morgan has a very big week. She will also have her first piano recital on Saturday. One more thing, in the video, look for the shortest (and cutest) elf. That one is Morgan.