Our Easter weekend was filled with family time and our church carnival. We had decent weather and it didn't snow which is always a bonus when you live in Michigan. We had the Kelbert's over for Easter dinner and had a hula hoop contest. I think Uncle Kenny won!

The girls enjoyed dying the eggs this year with Jenni. They adore her and lucky for us she will stay with us through August.
We took a trip to the zoo for the girls' spring break. It was a sunny warm day and we stayed a long time hanging out with friends and taking in the sights.
Morgan performed in her Spring recital. She played so well and had worked hard this year in piano to get quite a few awards.

We have new family members. The girls' won three goldfish at the Relay for Life this past weekend. Their names are Skales, Tiger and Golden. The carnival game for fun has turned into a family project and some new pets!
Mike and I went on Rachel's field trip to Wolcott Farm. We had fun walking around seeing how Rae interacts with her classmates. Another nice day as the rain held off. The animals were not cooperating and were off in the fields far from where the kids could really enjoy them. But they found things to do anyway.

On your mark, Get set, GO!!

This is Rachel's friend she spends the most time with at Preschool, Ava.

Rachel attended her friend Brooke's rock star party this weekend. Nicole was very proud of herself. She helped Rae get ready for the party.
We are waiting for summer and school to end, but have really enjoyed our Spring. The baby is growing and we are already at 5 months along. I hope to be better about our end of the school year posts.