Wednesday, February 16, 2011

winter wonderland

Michigan has been a bit of a snowy winter wonderland lately.
We are trying to make the most of it. The girls are old enough now to go outside for longer periods when it is cold without me getting nervous they are going to be "overcome" by the elements.
Even Josh got in on the action in the snow. HEHE (these were staged on a 40 degree day here, so no worries)
Joshua is now 5 months old and getting very active and grabbing everything. He had his first real daycare day with Ms. Amanda and was a very well behaved boy!

We love the snow, but I am getting spring FEVER!


Unknown said...

Oh my sweet precious Dear Lord! You have a heartbreaker on your hands. Josh just keeps getting stinkin' cuter by the day! I love the "winter wonderland" photos. And I love your beautiful family. Spring is a comin Kel...hang on!

Erin E Thoma said...

He is so adorable! Great photos Kelly.