Wednesday, September 2, 2009

There is a season....

Today is the day I get to start another season of my life.

About 6 weeks ago, Mike and I decided that I would take a substantial break from the professional work force. I have been a physical therapist for 13 years and for me this was a very scary and hard decision to make. I love being a P.T.. It is a very rewarding and full filling career, but, I was just becoming more and more convinced that I needed some time to focus on my home, Mike, my girls and my extended family.

Working outside of the home was making me feel that I was not able to completely give my all to my job or my family. Now, I didn't ALWAYS feel that way, some weeks were better than others, but with some unforeseen circumstances that came up at work this year and my continued unrest, I decided to pray for some guidance about what to change.

I felt God leading me and guiding some circumstances to direct me to take some time off. My job has graciously given me a personal leave for at least 6months and hopefully a year.

Today was filled with mixed emotions for me at work. This was my last day, for now. My coworkers had little foreknowledge of my leave, but non the less pulled together a little luncheon and many encouraging words. I got the sense that many didn't fully understand my decision and some were genuinely grateful that I was taking this opportunity. Leaving a place that is so comfortable to be at and leaving behind friends and "team mates" in a sense is difficult. But, I am so thankful and joyful for this time to regroup, breathe and rediscover what God has for me in the next year.

I will need to continue to pray that God helps direct my new "free time" (Ha Ha for all of the mom's out there) and helps me to not fill it right back up and get overwhelmed again.


beckyjomama said...

That is a huge step - and it cannot be an easy one! I am proud of you!!!

Kelli said...

I'll be praying for you. Your new adventure is bound to be both exciting and scary. How great that your employer will give you a leave of absence.

Anonymous said...

congrats kel...i know it was a scary step to take, but i am so glad God gave you a peace throughout it and signs prompting your decision. enjoy your time to focus on your family. does this mean more playdates rae-rae??? (and more girl time for us too!)very happy for you and this new season in life.

Kristi said...

Wow- This must be the info you had to fill me in on? Good for you. I know this wasn't an easy decision for you, but sometimes you have to make decisions for the best for your family. Joan is wanting to try and do a fall get together- maybe we can work out a time?