Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Celebrate Good TImes, Come On"

So we had a great Easter weekend. Scroll down for a slide show that shows our fun. We started the weekend off with a great Good Friday Service that Mike spoke at. The girls sat in church pretty well after a pretzel bribe for Rachel. Our church also put on a great community outreach event on Saturday. We got to enjoy the Easter carnival with friends and family. We had a great turn-out for that. We then celebrated Easter dinner on Saturday with the Kelbert's and Knepper's. Had great food, good company and a baseball game, adults vs. kids. Not really sure who came up the winner on that one. Sunday was three wonderful services at church, naps in the afternoon and Easter pizza and egg hunt in the evening with friends. We had an awesome time celebrating Jesus and God's gift of salvation for us. We were really able to reflect and celebrate the true Easter meaning.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great photos...looks like you all had a great Easter weekend. Gorgeous girls! Rae looks so grown up...love Nic's hair in braids. :)