Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am overhearing the best little conversation right now and just had to share it. While I am looking at email, Nicole, Morgan and Rachel are at the kitchen table painting and coloring. And then I start to hear a conversation about God. Nicole, "Rae Rae do you love God?" Rae Rae, "No" (grant her some slack, she's two almost three). Nicole, "But Rae Rae, I know you love God he doesn't do anything wrong. Are you sure you don't love God?". Rae Rae, "Yeah, I love God." Morgan, "you know Rae Rae, God is with you everywhere." Rae Rae, "Really". Morgan, "yes, I know for sure.". So I get to witness two miracles; 1. they are playing together without fighting, and 2. they actually listen to what they hear when we pray and teach them.


beckyjomama said...

Beautiful - can't wait to hear conversations like that here. ANY conversation will be good:)

Kelli said...

Faith like a child- in action! Love it!!

Unknown said...

how heartwarming...such joy in those moments as a parent, when you see God at work in your little ones. that is cool.

Anonymous said...

I love your girls! I'm so glad you were able to capture that conversation.

It was nice to see you yesterday. I'm still waiting for your mom to plant the adult only dinner so that I can actually converse like a grown-up.

All my best,
