1. I think after 1 1/2 months of fear over a monster that resided in our home, Rachel has somewhat moved on. We have her sleeping in her own bed, and getting up once at night to make sure we are still around. She stayed in the tub, by herself tonight while I put clothes away upstairs. Something that would not have happened two weeks ago. She will now leave the room I am in, and doesn't race me to the stairs when she knows I am headed up there. We really tried EVERYTHING to help her get over this. Thanks to all who have been praying for us.
2. Nicole and Morgan are each writing a short story for a contest through school. This has been a long process. The stories are due next Monday and they are in the illustration process right now. This has been a difficult project for Mike and I as the rules state you, as a parent, can't help. The girls also have to have their final draft written in black ink. Now who made up that rule! The girls have had to start over on many pages because they can't erase. I won't give the entire plot away (I'll save for another post), but here are the titles. Nicole's-"Stripe's Big Strike". Morgan's-"Kaelyn's 1000 tickets". I am very proud of them.
3. Mike is playing detective again with his chronic sinus problems. He has had two surgeries now, without much relief. So when he returned to his surgeon two weeks ago, he somewhat demanded some help. Thursday he will have extensive allergy testing, more allergens than he has previously had will be tested. We hope to have some answers soon.
4. I have been working on letting God be reflected in my life. I want people to see Him, not me when they look at my life. I want "less of me, and more of Him". This has been my prayer all month. This project is a life long one, I realize.
So, no new pictures this post, but after our friends the Abbott's came back from Arizona, I pulled up some pictures of Mike and I from our trip in 2005. Here they are.